Maxim international model

Last Updated: Before 30 days ago

Phone ☎️ (424) 902-0830

Connect with me

I enjoy genuinely High - quality discreet and private no strings attached dates with High quality more mature upscale established sophisticated executive gentlemen, where the focus is on a mutually beautiful - Travel -Friendship experience .

A gentleman that prefers quality over quantity and requires absolute discretion within his endeavors like myself . A man who knows the difference and has a greater appreciation and desire for a woman with beauty, grace , intelligence , honesty and passion .

I would be delighted to accompany you for longer or short engagements , dinner -dates , drinks , shows and theaters , overnight, travels or in simplicity and, be it private evenings or long moments of relaxation. I am sure these special moments will remain one of your best memories .

* No attention will be given to phone applications *

* Social Media and Fan Page linked for Fun XXX *

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